Za spodbudo učencem, ki želijo razvijati govorne spretnosti v angleščini smo organizirali skupno učno uro z učenci iz Indonezije. Takole jo je predstavila Eva Gruden iz 8.b:

We had an online class with Indonesian students and I liked it a lot. I learnt a lot of new stuff.. It was interesting to see how other people live on the other side of the world. At the time of our lesson we had just had lunch while they were already getting ready for sleep. It was fun to talk to them and learn about their culture. I learnt that Indonesia consists of 1600 islands and they said that they envied us summer and winter holidays, because they have no seasons. They only have dry and wet season and the length of the day is always 12 hours, it doesn’t change. 

I hope we meet again.

Zagotovo bomo takšno srečanje kdaj ponovili. Vsi radovedni ste toplo vabljeni!

Pripravila učiteljica Špela Casagrande

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